United States of America surnames ranking

Most populous surname in the United States of America

World surname ranking.

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United States of America surnames ranking

このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加 LINEで送る フォローする
Ranking Surname Population Percentage
1 Smith about 2,376,000 0.8809%
2 Johnson about 1,857,000 0.6884%
3 Williams about 1,534,000 0.5687%
4 Brown about 1,380,000 0.5116%
5 Jones about 1,363,000 0.5052%



Ranking Surname Population Percentage
6 Miller about 1,128,000 0.4181%
7 Davis about 1,072,000 0.3975%
8 Garcia about 858,000 0.3182%
9 Rodriguez about 804,000 0.2981%
10 Wilson about 783,000 0.2903%
11 Martinez about 775,000 0.2873%
12 Anderson about 762,000 0.2826%
13 Taylor about 720,000 0.2670%
14 Thomas about 711,000 0.2635%
15 Hernandez about 706,000 0.2619%
16 Moore about 699,000 0.2590%
17 Martin about 673,000 0.2494%
18 Jackson about 666,000 0.2469%
19 Thompson about 644,000 0.2389%
20 White about 640,000 0.2371%
21 Lopez about 622,000 0.2304%
22 Lee about 606,000 0.2246%
23 Gonzalez about 598,000 0.2216%
24 Harris about 594,000 0.2200%
25 Clark about 548,000 0.2033%
26 Lewis about 510,000 0.1890%
27 Robinson about 503,000 0.1865%
28 Walker about 501,000 0.1858%
29 Perez about 489,000 0.1811%
30 Hall about 474,000 0.1756%
31 Young about 466,000 0.1727%
32 Allen about 463,000 0.1718%
33 Sanchez about 441,000 0.1636%
34 Wright about 440,000 0.1632%
35 King about 439,000 0.1627%
36 Scott about 420,000 0.1557%
37 Green about 413,000 0.1533%
38 Baker about 413,000 0.1532%
39 Adams about 413,000 0.1531%
40 Nelson about 412,000 0.1528%
41 Hill about 412,000 0.1526%
42 Ramirez about 389,000 0.1442%
43 Campbell about 372,000 0.1379%
44 Mitchell about 367,000 0.1362%
45 Roberts about 366,000 0.1358%
46 Carter about 363,000 0.1344%
47 Phillips about 352,000 0.1304%
48 Evans about 342,000 0.1269%
49 Turner about 336,000 0.1244%
50 Torres about 325,000 0.1205%
51 Parker about 324,000 0.1202%
52 Collins about 318,000 0.1178%
53 Edwards about 317,000 0.1175%
54 Stewart about 313,000 0.1160%
55 Flores about 313,000 0.1159%
56 Morris about 312,000 0.1156%
57 Nguyen about 310,000 0.1150%
58 Murphy about 301,000 0.1114%
59 Rivera about 299,000 0.1110%
60 Cook about 295,000 0.1093%
61 Rogers about 294,000 0.1091%
62 Morgan about 276,000 0.1025%
63 Peterson about 275,000 0.1020%
64 Cooper about 270,000 0.1001%
65 Reed about 267,000 0.0991%
66 Bailey about 266,000 0.0986%
67 Bell about 265,000 0.0981%
68 Gomez about 264,000 0.0977%
69 Kelly about 260,000 0.0965%
70 Howard about 255,000 0.0945%
71 Ward about 254,000 0.0942%
72 Cox about 254,000 0.0941%
73 Diaz about 252,000 0.0933%
74 Richardson about 250,000 0.0925%
75 Wood about 247,000 0.0917%
76 Watson about 242,000 0.0899%
77 Brooks about 241,000 0.0893%
78 Bennett about 239,000 0.0886%
79 Gray about 237,000 0.0878%
80 James about 233,000 0.0865%
81 Reyes about 233,000 0.0862%
82 Cruz about 231,000 0.0857%
83 Hughes about 229,000 0.0850%
84 Price about 229,000 0.0848%
85 Myers about 225,000 0.0833%
86 Long about 223,000 0.0829%
87 Foster about 221,000 0.0819%
88 Sanders about 221,000 0.0819%
89 Ross about 220,000 0.0815%
90 Morales about 218,000 0.0807%
91 Powell about 217,000 0.0803%
92 Sullivan about 216,000 0.0799%
93 Russell about 215,000 0.0799%
94 Ortiz about 215,000 0.0796%
95 Jenkins about 214,000 0.0792%
96 Gutierrez about 213,000 0.0789%
97 Perry about 213,000 0.0788%
98 Butler about 211,000 0.0782%
99 Barnes about 210,000 0.0780%
100 Fisher about 210,000 0.0780%

※references : United States Census Bureau(2011)


※This ranking is based on our own research and compilation based on references.
※Characters used in the last name may not be displayed depending on your environment.